Cost: $20 per vehicle
Enjoy a variety of baby and full-grown farm animals on Flint Hills Counterpoint’s Baby Farm Animal Tour. Explore three family farms in Marion County - learn about life on the farm!
Featured Farms, Demonstrations & Activities:
Marilyn Jones - Sheep, goats, chickens, guineas, dogs, and cats. Marilyn will give spinning demos and talk about the use of wool from sheep.
Becki and Evan Yoder - Sheep, chickens, buffalo, dogs, and cats. Becki will have incubated chicks and give a tour of the Centennial Yoder Farm.
Jeff and Laurie Methvin - Alpacas, Great Pyrenees, cats, and a horse. Jeff will talk about alpaca wool and his business creating clothing from his alpaca wool.
Presentations by the local 4-H Youth who will also prepare snack bags.
Gift bags of farm samples and activities at each site.
Time: Tours start at each farm on the hour at 10:00, 11:00, and 12:00
Transportation: Self-guided tours, map available with purchase of ticket
Tickets will also be available to purchase in person day of event at:
857 N. Oldmill Road, Peabody, KS 66866